(847) 345-7060

Our Practices
How We Can Help You

Criminal Law
Being arrested can be a life altering experience. You need to know your rights and you want a lawyer that can fight for those rights. At Lofgren Legal we have years of experience defending against both misdemeanor and felony charges. We fight charges in Cook, DuPage, Lake, and Will Counties throughout Illinois.
Timing is everything. When you are charged with a criminal offense, retaining a lawyer as soon as possible is crucial. You need a lawyer that will be at the police station and will be at your bond hearing. At Lofgren Legal we will guide you through points A to Z. From the preliminary hearing to the final adjudication, Lofgren Legal is there to assist you through the judicial process.
There is a difference between a lawyer that represents you and a lawyer that fights for you. Tag us into the fight.
DUI Lawyer Chicago
If you get pulled over for a DUI, it is imperative you have a good attorney who can handle both the Summary Suspension of your license and the DUI criminal charge. It is important to hire an attorney you can trust to get you your license back and to protect you from potentially going to jail.
New traffic laws in Illinois can directly affect your driving status. New cell phone and driving in construction zone laws have been implemented by the Illinois legislature that make these offenses very serious moving violations. It may seem trivial, but when you get pulled over and issued a ticket, you should call Lofgren Legal to make sure you know how to protect your license and to ensure your insurance rates don't go up.
It is also imperative to call Lofgren Legal as soon as possible after a DUI because statutory summary suspensions will typically take place 45 days after your arrest.

A traffic ticket may not seem like a big deal, but too many tickets can affect your ability to drive a car. Moving violations, speeding tickets, accidents, and citations that occur within school zones and construction zones can leave permanent convictions on your record. Convictions can cause your insurance payments to go up or you can even be dropped from your coverage.
CDL drivers should take even more caution when they are pulled over. Any ticket they receive will count as "points" on their license. More points means it will cost a company more money to employ and insure that driver. Call us now so we can either help keep your record clean or we can even help go back and take care of old tickets that might be preventing you from getting a job.
Civil Matters
Everything from car accidents to breaches of contracts, Lofgren Legal's experience litigating helps their clients get the best results. A civil case is a case where the penalty for losing is monetary as opposed to a prison sentence. Civil cases come in all shapes and sizes such as Orders of Protection and No Stalking, No Contact Orders. But they can also be contract disputes or small claims matters.
Civil Matters:
Order of Protection
No Stalking, No Contact Order
Small Claims
Breaches of Contracts
Contested Name Changes of a Minor
Business Licenses
City Ordinance Violations
Whether someone has wronged you, damaged your property, or violated a lease, call us today for a free consultation. Let us help make you whole again.

Nothing is more personal and often intrusive than a divorce. Often times legal battles can rage on for years, with neither side getting what they want or what they deserve. No one wins in a divorce, but with Lofgren Legal we can find a way for all parties to not lose.
We pride ourselves on being able to help mediate divorcing parties. We strive for a clean divorce where the petition is filed and finalized within a few months with minimal expenses so that you are able to finally move forward. Lofgren Legal will help you feel comfortable as we help you navigate to that next chapter of your life.
Administrative Hearings
Administrative Hearings can take many shapes. Lofgren Legal has helped clients in situations ranging from village hearings to school disciplinary actions (high school and college).
We represent small businesses and local owners in administrative hearings and village hearings. Every town or municipality has their own rules, but Lofgren Legal has successfully defeated village hearings from Waukegan to Dixmoor and everywhere in between.
We have also represented students on disciplinary hearings ranging from drug to assault charges while on their school campus. We have successfully had students reinstated to good standing and we have had suspensions and expulsions lifted.

“None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up
by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody -
a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns -
bent down and helped us pick up our boots.” -Thurgood Marshall